Saturday, August 6, 2016

The Beginning

If you had asked me junior year of college where I would be in five years, I would have probably told you some cockamamie answer. I was naive and dumb junior year.

But somehow writing would have been involved in that cockamamie answer, and that's the one thing I wasn't dumb about junior year; I knew I loved to write.

I graduated college four years ago, and still have yet to actually do anything in my vocation that really involves writing.

Don't get me wrong, I've learned to accept and (most days) be relatively happy in my current vocation. And while the majority of my job is writing e-mails in a customer service-type setting, that's not the kind of writing I thought I'd be doing post-graduation.

I still cling to the hope that one day, I'll find myself in a job that allows me to really write like I want. But that's not today, so instead of moping about it, I choose to be proactive.

Thus this new blog was born.

When I was a kid, I thought I was real cool so I started a fake newspaper and sent it to all my friends and family. Basically, it was me doing things like writing movie reviews or sharing my weird dreams or bribing my friends into writing guest columns for me. My favorite part though was always the movie reviews.

I guess this is my sophisticated adult self following in my kid self's footsteps. But I think I'll just stick to film reviews this time.

If you know me at all, you know that I watch way too many movies.

Like. Way too many. So many that I have a budget every month just for going to the movies.

So here's me combining two things that I love in the hopes that it takes the edge off of my writing itch.

I'm not promising any regularity (for the three people who will follow this blog...) or type of movies that I'll review, but I can promise this: There will be reviews. At some point. Of like. Movies.

Yeah. So enjoy and stuff.

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